Media & Press

As a new player in health tourism, Wawoti is making waves with our innovative approach and commitment to creating bespoke healthcare experiences. Though we’re new, we’re excited about potential collaborations and discussions with media and press.

Media Enquiries

Interested in Wawoti’s vision, services or team for a story? We invite journalists and media professionals to get in touch with us for interviews, information and insights.

Media Kit

Resources for Journalists and Media Professionals

Download our media kit for official branding materials, including our logo, executive bios and a brief about Wawoti:

Upcoming Releases

Stay Tuned for Our News and Updates

We have big plans in the pipeline. Check back for press releases and news about our partnerships, service expansions and other exciting developments.


We are open to collaborations that align with our mission of revolutionising health tourism. If you’re a blogger, influencer or industry professional interested in partnering with us, reach out today.

Your Passport to Global Healthcare Excellence